What Matters in Our Learning: Student Voice on Assessment & Inquiry

Through my participation in a few EdCamps, I have had the complete pleasure of meeting and chatting with North Surrey Secondary senior humanities teacher  Jonathan Vervaet(@jonathanvervaet).  I knew about his contagious passion for inquiry and assessment for learning; what I… Continue Reading


Pondering Meetings: Who is at the Table?

Originally posted at Connected Principals blog. While reading Carol Dweck’s “Mindset“, I came across this great quote from Lou Gerstner: “Hierarchy means very little to me. Let’s put together in meetings the people who can help solve a problem, regardless… Continue Reading


Honouring A Student’s Strength: Story of Daniel

“We don’t know who we can be until we know what we can do.” – Sir Ken Robinson (This was originally guest-posted as an “A-Ha Moment” on  Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension.  With all the talk about how we changed… Continue Reading


Homework Why’s and Homework-Wise

“…the more we learn about learning, the more willing we may be to challenge the idea that homework has to be part of schooling” Alfie Kohn I remember my days  in school when the bell would ring and the teacher… Continue Reading