Strengths-Based Education

The job of an educator... CC image from

The job of an educator… CC image from

For research articles, videos, and blogs, click here.

For a list of articles on rethinking awards ceremonies in schools, click here.


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  1. Thank you very much for compiling this list of resources. I am in a doctoral program and working to create a workshop on strength-based learning, so your resources are very helpful. You mentioned you hadn’t found a book you really love on strength-based learning and, I agree, there aren’t a lot out there. Perhaps you will write one? And blend it with your ideas on sprints to show how a school can move in a strength-based direction? I also wanted to recommend Yong Zhao’s 2018 book Reach for Greatness: Personalizable Education for All Children. This may be one of the most inspiring books I read in the past year. Zhao calls on us to expand our definitions of greatness and to take larger responsibility for helping students discover their own greatness. The book first lays the groundwork for why this is important on a societal and individual level. Then, Zhao presents his ideas for what he calls personalizable learning (which is really a form of strength-based learning): Agency, Shared Ownership, Flexibility, and Value Creation/Product-Oriented Learning. He also devotes content to identifying the teacher characteristics that are important for helping students to identify and manifest their greatness. It really aligned well with your TedTalk. Thank you for your leadership!

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