10 Belief Statements About Student Discipline

As I continue my journey in the first 4 months at James Hill elementary, I wanted to share my beliefs around student discipline with the staff.  Although my views continue to evolve and grow through formal and informal learning and… Continue Reading


Looking Forward With Excitement; Looking Back With Pride

Pardon the delay of this post. It was originally written a week ago but the flu hit our family and it never got posted. As I begin the next exciting journey of my career with the honour of being the… Continue Reading


The Importance of Modeling Positive Use of Social Media

Cyberbullying. Stalking. Pedophilia. Narcissism. Screen time. These are the headlines that grab the most attention around the topic of students using social media.  These articles and reports strike fear into parents and schools to the point that has resulted in… Continue Reading


Creating Time for Teachers to Tinker With Ideas #RSCON4

We often hear criticisms about the lack of innovation and creativity from administrators and staff in schools.  I understand these concerns; however, my response is, “if innovation and creativity are important, why do we provide educators almost no time in… Continue Reading


The Power of Outdoor Play: We Built a Hill

“We have such a brief opportunity to pass on to our children our love for this Earth, and to tell our stories.These are the moments when the world is made whole.” Richard Louv In the past year, we built a… Continue Reading


If We Have a Good Idea… Don’t Give It A Name

Assessment For Learning… Flipped Classroom… Project-based Learning… 21st Century Learning A few years ago, I was in a learning series and we were learning about the power of shifting our assessment focus from summative (grades, events) to formative (feedback, ongoing).  The facilitator, Yrsa… Continue Reading