#BCed Chat Monday, July 25 at 7pm

Monday, July 25 at 7pm

Monday, July 25 at 7pm

“Social Media Super Man” @davidwees and I invite you to attend our second ever Twitter chat about issues in BC Education. We will be having these chats weekly/biweekly throughout the year and will be using the hashtag #BCed.

For Monday, July 25th at 7:00pm, you can tune in to voice your thoughts as well as hear from others interested in BC education on the topic: “What should personalized learning look like in our schools?”. This is a continuation of the dialogue started in our first BCed chat with Education Minister George Abbott.

David and I invite any person with an interest in education in British Columbia to come join us.  Also, if you have a colleague not on Twitter, this is a perfect opportunity to get them to join and see the power of connecting.

(Adapted from David Wees’ blog)

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Chris Wejr

Proud father of twin girls and a son. Currently working as the Principal of Shortreed Elementary School (K-5) in Aldergove, BC, Canada. Passionate about instruction, strengths-based education and leadership, reconciliation, assessment, and human motivation.


  1. “social media superman” ?? Surely you are aware that any reference to the word superman in Ed. circles may (will) build a wall between those groups with whom you are trying to work. That word is loaded, unfortunately. I am a reformer, a parent of twins too, and question the direction of the school system under the current ministry. Insensitive references like this one take two steps back. That movie attacked my teacher friends in the USA and I don’t want that seeping north. Personalized learning? American too. They are marching on Washington, so why, oh, why are we looking south.

  2. Great to hear you have organized another chat like this! I continue to be inspired by BC educators and all the activities many of you take on – cape or no cape 🙂

    I just listened to the edcamp podcast the other day! Great initiatives!

    Signed, Jealous in Ont.

  3. This is an excellent initiative. I do fully support the need to have open discussion with all stakeholders. I simply hoped that the cape would come off : ) , because I am aware of the unfortunate, if unintentional, reference.

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