Inspired By A 7 Year-Old – UPDATED

***Updated at bottom of post!

We all look to be inspired – we search videos, read books, attend conferences, and meet with people who inspire us.  Many times, we need not look further than our own playground;  to make a difference in the world, we just need to listen to our children as it is they who can inspire us in a way like no other.

Mackenzie, Grade 2

Mackenzie Frumen, age 7

In November, I was out supervising in the primary end when I felt a tug on the back of my coat.  I turned around and saw a bright eyed seven year-old, Mackenzie Frumen, who stated, “Mr. Wejr, I want to cut my hair and give it to someone.  I also want to raise money.”  I was a bit blown away from this comment so I said the usual, “Wow! Tell me more…”

Mackenzie, a grade 2 student at our school, went on to tell me how she had been watching TV and was inspired by a girl who was fighting cancer and needed to wear a wig.  The two of us spoke for a few more minutes and we decided that Mackenzie, her mother, and I should come up with a plan on how the school could help.  Mackenzie’s mom told me of the relationship the family had with the Cuccione Family and that Mackenzie wanted to donate $500 to the Michael Cuccione Foundation that raises money to one day help to eradicate childhood cancer. She also invites others to join her in donating her long hair (although the 2 initiatives are linked, Mackenzie’s plan is to donate her hair regardless of the amount of money she raises).

It is amazing how inspiring kids can be.  Mackenzie is one example of a child that wants to make a difference in the world.  Please read the message from Mackenzie, watch her interview and support her and the Michael Cuccione Foundation.

Hi.  My name is Mackenzie and I am in Grade 2 at Kent Elementary in Agassiz.  I have been growing out my hair for the past two years and now it’s time to get 10 inches cut off to be made into a wig for a child who has lost their hair from a disease.  My goal is to raise $500 to be donated to the Michael Cuccione Foundation before I get my hair cut.  Please help me in my fundraising efforts to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Donations can be made through the school or through the charity’s website (click here).  (If donating through the website please note in the comment section on the bottom of the donation page that it is for my fundraiser so that we can keep track of donations.)  Thank you for your support!

Please leave a message for Mackenzie in the comment box below.  Thank you for reading and supporting her in this great cause!


We wanted to thank everyone who supported Mackenzie by donating and/or encouraging her through her fundraiser.  The hair cut was a little scary for her but she’s now loving her new short do!  We all learned how generous people can be and that one little person CAN make a difference.  Mackenzie is honoured to have her story placed for awhile on the Michael Cuccione Foundation’s website!

We are VERY proud to announce that Mackenzie raised a whopping $2,485!!!  Wow!  Way beyond her goal and our expectations!

Thanks again for all your support!

Steve, Linda, and Mackenzie Frumen

Way to go Mackenzie!  We are all very proud of you!

Way to go Mackenzie! We are all very proud of you!

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Chris Wejr

Proud father of twin girls and a son. Currently working as the Principal of Shortreed Elementary School (K-5) in Aldergove, BC, Canada. Passionate about instruction, strengths-based education and leadership, reconciliation, assessment, and human motivation.


  1. Wow Mackenzie! What you’re doing is absolutely amazing. I think that you’ll also inspire many other people to do what they can for such an important cause. Thanks to your awesome principal too for sharing this story with “the world!”

    Grade 1/2 Teacher
    Ancaster, ON, Canada

  2. I admire what you are doing Mackenzie. What a great kid to do this for such a great cause! There are many people who have friends and relatives who have battled cancer and I think what you’re doing is fantastic. As Mr. Wejr knows, I am a teacher that doesn’t have a lot of hair, so I wanted you to know that you’re also doing something that not everyone can do!

    Thanks for being a great example for all of us to follow!

  3. Hi Mackenzie,
    I have been using some of my allowance for charity. I don’t know where to put some of it. Maybe I could donate some of it to you.

  4. Mackenzie, we are very proud of you! This is a very special thing you are doing, and you are also inspiring others to help out sick kids too. Congratulations, and I can’t wait to see your sassy new haircut!

  5. Wow Mackenzie, what a challenge you came up with. You’re very special for doing what you said you would do, and for no other reason then to help someone. We are very proud of our cousin. Way to go girl!

  6. MacKenzie you are awesome! I hope all of your friends are proud of you and help you however they can. You are a great role model for everyone. We can all find something we’re passionate about and help the world become a better, happier place!

  7. Mackenzie,so great of you to be thinking of others that are having health problems. Your contributions through your time and thoughtfulness will make everyone’s life better.
    Monies going to cancer research will some day result in a cure, thanks to you. Way to go.

  8. Way to go Mackenzie, you are a brave girl to be cutting your hair, way to go, We hope you raise lots of money for this good cause!

  9. Dear Mackenzie, if there were more people in the world like you it would be a lot happier place. I will make a donation. Thank you, Nigel.

  10. Thank you for your comments and for donating. Thank you Kian for donating your allowance money. I am getting my hair cut on March 11th in my classroom.

  11. Kenz – way to go, I’ll make sure I donate and get some friends to donate too. Look at what a difference one little person can make. Your hair will make some child feel SO much better in their hard times.

  12. Aloha Makenzie,
    You have made such a difference to so many by your selfless giving. This shows the power that each of us has within to make the world a better place.
    Mahalo nui loa,(with deepest gratitude)
    Mrs. Jacobs

  13. This is just the beginning, my girl. You have so many gifts! Brilliance, generosity, kindness, beauty, imagination — I can’t wait to see what you’re going to give the world next. I am so privileged to know you.

    Mrs. Jack

  14. Hi Mackenzie,

    What a kind and generous act for you to do! I can’t say I’m surprised to hear that you’ve done this, as I remember you as a very sweet girl.

    🙂 Aimee Whitbread

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