School Growth: Small Changes Lead to BIG Impact

“If we create a culture where every teacher believes they need to improve, not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better, there is no limit to what we can achieve.” — Dylan Wiliam NOTE:… Continue Reading


Moving Beyond the Sit ‘n Git Model of Professional Development

This post was originally written for the Canadian Education Association in 2015. I believe it is still relevant and important today.  I often wonder if what we see as teaching at professional learning events would be acceptable in a high… Continue Reading


Inclusion Through Strengths: Learning With Logan

Note: this story of inclusion is shared with the encouragement and permission of Logan’s mother. Logan has been at James Hill Elementary since kindergarten. During this time, it has been easy to pick out all of his challenges – his… Continue Reading


Are We Marking Assignments or Assessing Learning?

There has been much focus on shifting our assessment practices in education and, particularly in BC, moving toward more Assessment For Learning (or formative assessment) in schools.  This is such an important conversation and needed change but at some point… Continue Reading


Looking Forward With Excitement; Looking Back With Pride

Pardon the delay of this post. It was originally written a week ago but the flu hit our family and it never got posted. As I begin the next exciting journey of my career with the honour of being the… Continue Reading


14 Videos for Starting Dialogue on Rethinking Rewards, Awards

It is no secret that I have some strong opinions on using awards and rewards to “motivate” our students to be better behaved and achieve more in schools.  Instead of using carrots and sticks to bribe and punish students, we… Continue Reading


Creating Time for Teachers to Tinker With Ideas #RSCON4

We often hear criticisms about the lack of innovation and creativity from administrators and staff in schools.  I understand these concerns; however, my response is, “if innovation and creativity are important, why do we provide educators almost no time in… Continue Reading